Gay porno movies titles

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Starring Scorpio, Keith Anthoni, Gusiavo 'Mr Big ', Tom Cord, Shawn Gregory, Brad Ford and Ken Edwards. Ren Wickets, Billy Crafter, Roland Hawkins, Wilson Rafter, Buzz Sawyer Some are out-of-print, some have been re-issued, and many scenes seem to pop up in various 'pre-condom' collection tapes. I hope to fill in gaps, add recent discoveries, as I go along, but this should be a good starting point.

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Please note that some of the descriptions I've merely nabbed from online or other resource materials while others are my own opinions based on my recollections, as well as my own video collection. The emphasis was more on eagerness to perform, and how good their crotches looked, (as opposed to their physiques). The men here are a decent range of late 70's 'masculine' types, often with facial hair, and good, but not gym, bodies. Joe Gage), Arch Brown, the 'team' of Francis Ellie, and others, that the films (and later in the mid 80's, videos) were usually a safe bet. Usually a decent story line set in New York City, these were among the mainstays of the gay male theater circuit when new product was needed every week quality varied, but P M employed such directors as Mac Larson (a.k.a. Productions, the major East Coast producer of gay porno movies in the late 70's/ early 80's. BJ's GAY PORNO PAGES - P M PRODUCTIONS TITLES P.M.

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